Home Energy Score Assessor Program

ASHI Home Inspectors can have an edge above the competition by becoming a Home Energy Score Certified Assessor through I.D. Energy’s Fast Track Training Program, which is approved by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

A Home Energy Score not only lets a homeowner understand how efficient the home is and how it compares to others, it also provides recommendations about how to cost-effectively improve the home’s energy efficiency.

How to Become a Home Energy Score Certified Assessor

  1. Click here to register for I.D. Energy’s Fast Track Training Program. The cost of training is discounted for ASHI members.
  2. Complete the online Sim training and virtual mentoring. The Sim training was created for all computer skill levels and takes anywhere from 10 – 20 hours to complete. Training resources include in-depth videos, weekly webinars and access to other assessors on the Home Energy Score Facebook group. In addition, DOE requires all Assessors participate in mentorship.
  3. After approval, a Certified Assessor’s first five assessments will receive full Quality Assurance (QA) oversight by a remote Desktop QA Auditor through a live webinar. This is not a test, but a collaborative and educational experience with a Home Energy Score expert that will answer questions about being an active and profitable Assessor. QA ensures that the Home Energy Score tool is working properly in the field, and it maintains the high credibility of the Home Energy Score brand by allowing Assessors a consistent source of feedback for their good work. Quality Assurance for ASHI members will be provided by its partners at I.D. Energy, who along with the ASHI and the DOE developed a means of offering this critical service remotely. Certified Assessors never will need to interrupt their clients or work schedules with visits by a third party into the home.

Complete details about the programs and packages are available through ID Energy’s website

ASHI online application access.

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