In This Together

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Inspection World On the Road

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Where Did the Volunteers Go?

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Behind the Scenes

ASHI held its 48th annual meeting at the ASHI Virtual Summit on Friday, February 9. We were excited to have nearly 200 attendees in attendance for the second AVS. I want to update the membership briefly on what was presented for those who couldn’t make it.

SHI held its 48th annual meeting at the ASHI Virtual Summit on Friday, February 9. We were excited to have nearly 200 attendees in attendance for the second AVS. I want to update the membership briefly on what was presented for those who couldn’t make it. I feel it is essential to recognize our volunteer leaders at both the national and chapter levels, so we started the meeting by identifying those members serving on the board and the outgoing board members (Jeffrey Leighton, director), John Wessling (2022 president), and Bryck Guibor (2023 treasurer).